I am a master of paradise.
I will help you to navigate and not get confused in the next half an hour.
During this session, your apartment, the place where you are, will become part of the club.
You are inside of the outsourcing paradise club.
There are visitors in it, and there are deformers.
Today you are a random deformer.
Not only interface deformer, but what is more important – algorithmic protocol and user-experience deformer.
You will take care of the visitor experience which is rooted in dopamine economy.
The visitor needs your coincidental emancipatory power.
Now I will show you your working place.
Outsourcing exhaustion, fatigue from self-management – and the suppressed desire for breaking down. With Outsourcing paradise(parasite), eeefff engages with internet users’ wish for their online user experience to be modified, deformed, perplexed, or “wrinkled”. Hiring random and anonymous implementers from a post-Soviet headhunter platform, eeefff initiates a series of sessions where such desires go live through the embodiment of deforming algorithms, enacted within the computational system itself. Introduced by the figure of “the Master of Paradise”, users are locked into situations of shame, unconscious desire and the pleasant feeling of violent, affective discharge – as well as the emotional release that comes with the deformation of the interfaces themselves.
eeefff has developed the computerised online service Outsourcing paradise(parasite) – that can be found at https://liquid-fiction.space/ – where online and offline temporalities of scrolling, communicating and working, as well as the “preemptive” affect of users, are put to the test. Counteracting the imperative of activity, free-floating interfaces emerge in the gaps of online actions and gestures, stretching transitioning annexations into autonomous interactions beyond extractive online interactions. Punctuating the flow of desire, embodied within the continuous click, the outsourcing paradise suggests another type of engagement while exchanging inherent lack with mutual conduct.
eeefff works with emotional effects of the new economic regimes driven by computation, materiality of
sensibility, affects within creative industries, frictions between user interfaces and protocols, test settings
for collective imaginaries. It combines artistic praxises with research, computer science, software and
hardware hacks, framing environments and settings. Active from 2013. Based between Moscow and Minsk.
More info: https://eeefff.org/