The design for these monotypes was created in 2015, when my health condition was at least suspicious. It was not exactly clear whether it was cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, or Crohn’s disease. The following tests, tons of medications, and various consultations made me feel depressed and guilty about being ill, as if it was my choice. Countless images, quotes, associations were rattling in my head and I wanted to keep them, put them down on paper, and get used to these feelings. I lived with my parents then since my mental state also didn’t really allow me to live independently. I decided to choose such an old-school form to distance myself from what was happening in my life. I was ashamed of being afraid, of feeling bad, of having doubts about what’s next.
Paweł Żukowski
After graduating from SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Żukowski started to study photography at the University of Fine Arts in Poznań where he graduated in 2014. His works were exhibited at TRAFO Center for Contemporary Art in Szczecin, Municipal Gallery Arsenał in Poznań, Lookout Gallery in Warsaw, The Ballery in Berlin, Kavaleridze Museum in Kiev, Siłownia Gallery in Poznań, Centre of Contemporary Art Znaki Czasu in Toruń, Centrala Gallery in Birmingham, MS2 Art Museum in Łódź, NOWA Art Gallery in Poznań, Exhibition Bureau in Warsaw, etc. Professionally involved with the photography industry, Żukowski avoids this medium in his private artistic practice, focusing on non-traditional forms of expression, or transforming traditional forms, so that they meet his needs. As an artivist, he claims that art can be politics but with more civilised methods. He blends ideas, media, methods, and the private with the political. His works can be seen on and