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Simple and Daily Guided Meditations for Failing Bodies in Precarious States

By: Clone #85720

meditation #1

The word stasis has two definitions, the first being a period or state of inactivity or equilibrium. And the second as, civil strife. In medicine, it is used to describe a stoppage of body fluids. In ancient Greece, it was used to report civil war, as in the conflict named stasis was creating a stoppage within a region or organization as a means to alter or abolish the ruling system or class.

How are your body’s states of stillness and upheaval vital to one another? Think of trees; root systems; rootedness. “Rad” in latin means root; roots can be radical, destructive, medicinal, grounding us into place and earth. When are you unmoving yet catalyzing change?

meditation #2

We look to the body for inspiration: its ability to communicate across and with systems of incredible difference.

meditation #3

Pause to imagine the extrabiological objects in your life that facilitate meeting the needs and desires of your body. (ex: the amino acid, tryptophan, which can only be obtained from certain foods and is processed through the digestive system. It is the precursor for serotonin, the neurotransmitter primarily responsible for feelings of well-being. Other examples: medication, water, oxygen.)

Now think of how those objects that you ingest are directly connected to the state through production, control, accessibility and/or [a/e]ffect. How is your objective reality (those pills, that banana or glass of water) coupled with governance and policy?

meditation #4

Take note of the body.
Reconcile with discomfort as a state.
Metabolize, if able.

meditation #5

Feel the realness of this day, different than other days.
Your body in space.
Where and what you are leaving behind, and what you are moving towards–even when you are perfectly still?
Think about the small ways you declare your autonomy over your body daily.
Use the state of your bodily failure as leverage against the State.

meditation #6

Embody your conception of the term, bioperversity.

meditation #7

Durational experiment:
See how long you can go before your body breaks in a truly exceptional way. Exceptional enough that your DR will pathologize it. Exceptional enough for them to name the failure after you. Exceptional enough that at the end there is an aw and applause, not for the life lived but for what took you out of it.

meditation #8

Sharing pain involves trust with another
The communication of pain involves belief*
When an experience of pain is doubted
The subject begins to question their
Somatic experience of embodied knowledge

Once doubt (either from an external or internal force) has been introduced it appears as a feedback cycle rotating through:

The subject’s mistrust in their own body’s interpretation of the named “pain”
The subject concluding they must be mad/crazy/attention seeking for inventing the state of pain
During this time subject continues to actually experience the felt reality of the pain (cycle goes back to 1)

*i.e. listening, mutual aid, reliance, a stake in another’s communication of the body’s experience through language, viewing the body as a holistic interconnected system(s), recognition and admittance of the relationship between trauma and pain; context and pain; identity and pain, then reiterating to one another as often as needed that: you are not crazy/the world is crazy.

meditation #9

Imagine your most ideal life playing as a movie. Are you watching from inside your body? Are you watching yourself from outside your body? Is the point of view from your eyeballs? Your gut? Your hands? Do you have a body? Are you human? Do you look different? Do you feel different? Is there a lot of dialogue? Is it a silent film? Are you the same gender? How is your health portrayed? How does your body function? What is the lighting like? What are you able and unable to do? What kind of power-dynamics exist? Who takes care of you? Who do you take care of? What is your living situation like? Do you live alone? With other people? What is your love life like? How do you survive and meet your needs? What are your needs? Desires? How is the footage edited? Are there fades, jump cuts, montages? What is your relationship to money? Does money even exist? How does community function? Does the camera always follow you, or does it focus on others too? Do you enjoy the same activities? Are you the same age? Older? Younger? What is your environment like? Do you find yourself inside? Outside? Underground? What is your social life like? Who wrote the soundtrack? Do you share your secrets? Are you open? Vulnerable? Mysterious? Funny? Traumatized? Is it subtitled? Is it subtle? Dramatic? Slapstick? Horror? Drag? What are your politics? How do you express your politics? Is it an option to express your politics openly? Do you make plans, or go with the flow? Do you have a pet? Do you have a plant? Do you listen to music? What is your relationship to the land? What are your close relations like? Do you have family? Are you close to your family? Did you have to make your own family? Do you have friends? Are you a loner? Was it shot on a GoPro? A phone? 16mm? Is it HD? Was there a film-crew? Did they get paid? Did you get paid? Did you get the rights, or did you sign away your story? Imagine you’re in the theater watching this movie about your life. You smell smoke. What do you do?


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